I *think* I just may have finally figured out how to bring you all some long awaited free download-able goodies! So, it took some severe googling, and a little digging in my brain to remember how to create a pdf (had to remind myself originally to introduce the new embroidery patterns into the shop last week) but creating the pdf was the easy part... the hard part seemed making it actually available to download via the net.
Here's hoping the link provided and the whole process works for you! Please be sure and let me know if you have any problems!
So... the first fun project I have for you, is these super sweet holiday tags featuring lyrics from "let it snow," one of my favorite songs. :) You should be able to download the tags HERE. I find these to coordinate perfectly with these tags:
These other tags will be available for sale in the shop hopefully by thursday afternoon! :) See... they work really well together.
Well, I know it feels like Fall just started... BUT... one can never prepare for Christmas too early... at least I dont *think* so. :)
I have many many more things planned for you in the way of download-able freebies... recipe cards, coloring pages, bunches of stuff, so stay in touch!
Oh- and I'll be back tomorrow with the super good news I told you about... although I think some of you already know by now! ;)