I had borrowed 2 vintage tricycles from kelli, my photographer friend... and completely forgot to use them. I was soo sick after I realized that... the 2 year olds were all over the place, and the tricycles were supposed to keep them in one place. I do think I will be able to work them into another session later this week though...
Right from the start we lost 2 balloons... and that was not cool.
Can you believe I actually had to "coax" a sour face out of these two!!?
kisses are sweet, even with lemon seeds on your cheek... :) The flowers in they're hair are from bubba lou bands. Lisa was suuper fun to talk to, and she had them out in the mail suuper quick. The girls just love wearing them... even Journey keeps them in her hair for LONG periods of time.
my sister's boy in a rare moment... he actually sat still for a few seconds. :)
...as journey would say "ta-dah!"
Hope you enjoyed the pictures! It is definitely lemonade stand season... ;)